If any of them had fully seen his flirty exchange with Miss Sharma none of them mentioned it, even the ones that'd made eyes at him, and he swiftly collected up the empties and went to wash them up, not rushing too much as he took some deep breaths and ran over the incident in his head, trying to hold his rampant imagination from running wild with what might happen, or what would've happened from then had he been the one with the power. He wasn't sure what it was, but he thought it might just be her boldness and confidence that threw him off a little, not quite prepared for the fact she'd even spoken to him, let alone flirted with him in such a straight forward manner. Finishing with the mugs, another deep breath or two and he headed back to the main set area, where the technicians were just finishing setting up the equipment, calibrating for light levels and so on, the photographers themselves preparing their cameras ready for the gorgeous lady of the moment.
In the lead up to the shoot itself as they waited for Anushka Sharma to be readied by her make-up artist and stylist, him in perhaps more anticipation than others, since they were so experienced and had seen scores of desirable women come through over the years, he was put to work doing this and that. It was just simple stuff, such as getting a bottle of water for someone or finding someone to do something here or there. It seemed like an agonising length of time before the door to Anushka's dressing room opened and everyone looked round, even as they attempted to look like they were still doing their job, but it was understandable everyone wanted to see the her ready for the photo shoot. He was so stunned he almost dropped box of photographic equipment he'd been asked to move.
Anushka Sharma stepped out of her dressing room with her stylist in tow, dressed up as a saucy secretary, just putting together every possible aspect of the stereotype all at once, making everyone in the studio, male or female, want to get her to a desk and make her assume the position. He took in every tiny detail of her as she strutted towards the illuminated area for the shoot, her hair pinned up sexily, a pair of thick framed black glasses on her that just looked so goddamn sexy, unable to stop himself thinking how he'd like to give her a reason to be taking them off. Her luscious pout made her look the most kissable secretary he'd ever seen, right above her smart jacket, a thinly pinstriped black one that was small and snug, pulled in at her waist to accentuate her figure. Underneath it she wore a typical white shirt, tight linen, opened several buttons to expose the swell of her gorgeous breasts and a hint of black lace of her supporting bra. This all finished snugly at her hips, which were accentuated strongly by the tight material of her matching pinstriped pencil skirt which wrapped round her toned thighs, pulled tight over them down to mid-thigh, a split running up the side to allow a little movement. From underneath her sexy black stockings ran down her legs, wrapping them gorgeously in seamed nylon, the trademark join running up the backs of her legs to her shapely ass. Topping it off were a pair of black high heels, which made the most delightful sound on the studio floor as she strutted carefully to the staging area.
Unable to move, he unashamedly stared at her as she got into place in front of the photographers, who made their final adjustments for light sensitivity and such as her make-up artist and stylist fussed over final details, moving strands of hair here and there. They moved off and left her, Anushka giving them a thanking smile, saying something he didn't hear and settling back into position in the chair she was on, legs firmly together, glancing round the studio at everyone, who had all pretty much gone back to work as she awaited them to start, when her eyes settled on him. His heart stopped dead as their eyes met, the gorgeous young actress just considering him a moment, then looking down over herself, offering herself a view down her top and the rest of her sexy outfit, then she looked saucily back up at him from under her perfectly-shaped eyebrows, over the tops of the sharmay glasses. A wicked grin spread on her cute mouth and she gave the slightest hint of an eyebrow flick as she looked at him, enough to make his cock twitch in anticipation as he was suddenly shaken back to reality, quickly moving to do what he was supposed to be with the case.
Anushka gave a little giggle to herself as she saw the effect she had on him, pondering it a moment before the director informed her he was ready to start the shoot. She immediately got to work posing as instructed, the cameras starting to click relentlessly, taking the hundreds of photographs that'd never be seen, taking hundreds when they used just a handful, picking on the best ones. But she didn't mind, she positively enjoyed it, playing up to the cameras, pouting and posing as a sex kitten, positioning her hands just right to change the way a picture would be seen, feeling a little thrill run through her as she thought of the people who would be excited just seeing these pictures in a magazine in few months. Although it may seem trashy, she enjoyed the attention she received for her looks, what girl didn't, and she felt beautiful and sexy in front of the camera.
"Anushka, over here," instructed the director, pointing and indicating how he wanted her as she turned to another camera, another angle, another captured moment in time.
"That's it, give us a pout, gorgeous, gorgeous," rambled the director as she pouted and modelled accordingly, moving from doing shoots sat down in the chair to standing up, pushing her hips and ass out, sexily looking back over her shoulder, leaning forward a little, suggestively toying with her clothing. The shoot paused as a desk was brought in, wanting to create the complete environment, Anushka standing and just taking a breath, looking round with a sigh as she relaxed a moment, feeling hot in the clothes under all the lighting, her make-up artist just moving in to dab and tweak her in the brief respite from shooting. With the desk in place, she was immediately positioned behind it to take some shots as if she were just in the middle of working, though she did wonder who'd ever actually seen a secretary dressed quite like she was. Playing up to it she flicked through, paused to stretch and push her hair back from her face as if taxed by a hard day, look and pout sexily up into the lens of the cameras, the tip of a pen in her sweet lips, just letting her tongue touch at the glossy lips and pen as she did, adding that little x-factor to the shots.
"Perfect Anushka, you're a natural, now if you could just stand up," she was instructed, standing behind the desk so she could do a few of her leaning over it as if oblivious to the cleavage she displayed whilst doing so. Luckily as the shoot went on, people were busy doing their job and given everything was in place, there was little for him to do as a runner right then, meaning he got to enjoy watching Anushka Sharma minx it up for the cameras, which was sensational. He could just feel the energy coming off her, the sexual aura radiating from her stunning form, the way she just commanded the camera as she posed. She moved round in front of the desk, leaning back against it nonchalantly, but as she did her eyes flicked through the studio, settling on him once more, on his own eyes, making him surge with excitement and fear once more, just holding his gaze, even as she turned to do some shots of her from behind, sexily lifting her jacket and arching her back to show off her gorgeous ass a little better, she looked over her shoulder at him. He was sure she gave her ass a slight shake before she turned back to face the cameras, looking sexily sideways at him and flicking her eyebrows before looking away at the cameras again, making him shiver in excitement, his cock definitely stiffening a little at it.

The shoot started to heat up as Anushka reached up to pull the pins from her dark hair, letting it drop loose about her shoulders, showing great volume and waviness, making her look a goddess as she tilted her head and arched her back to shake it free, pushing her chest out, straining the buttons on the jacket just perfectly in the process, making the shirt slide down just a fraction to reveal her lacy black bra a little more, hinting at its saucy style. With her hair down, Anushka looked back head on into the camera, staring it down as she leaned on the desk, then shifting to stand fully, hands on hips, her legs apart in a power stance, as if declaring herself in charge, and right then he doubted there was a man alive that'd deny it. Reaching up, she slowly unbuttoned her jack, popping the two large buttons to free it, the thick black subtly pinstriped material swinging apart to show off her firm tummy which was just comfortably covered by the white shirt. It was tight over her breasts due to their size and the way the hidden bra pushed them up invitingly, but lower was just snug, the material still loose over her skin, just tempting him to find out what lay beneath. Leaning back once more, she did some more shots pulling the jacket open, hand on hip and so on until the director called for a break, meaning he'd need to start making more drinks.
People immediately started signalling they wanted tea and coffee, whilst he quickly scribbled it down since so many people wanted it, making him wish he could get some kind of promotion right now, perhaps to Anushka Sharma's stylist, or someone else that got to see her naked. He glanced over to Anushka herself, who was in some kind of conversation with the director, evidently trying to impart his "vision" of the shoot to his subject, who nodded and smiled over it. As he walked towards the small kitchen area to begin making the endless mugs of hot drinks, Anushka started his way en route to her dressing room, immediately catching his attention and making him look up, where his eyes were captured by her gaze straight away, making him feel a cold surge of adrenaline and excitement clench his chest. He wanted to take a look over her as she approached the last few feet, her almost felt that he should, but he just couldn't look away from her enticing eyes that most definitely put the Sharma in her name.
"Hey Anushka," he started, quite amazed at himself that he managed to find the courage to initiate the conversation with her.
"Hey there, doesn't look like you've been running much," she teased, taking her glasses off and brushing some hair back from her gorgeous face.
"Well everyone's been looking at you, so not had much for me to do," he said with a smile, unable to stop it, hoping it didn't look too cheesy or anything.
"Mm well I'll give you something to do," she purred, giving a little arch of her eyebrow and a little pout. He couldn't believe he'd seen it, or was looking far too hard for signs she might like him beyond a mere curiosity, and put it down to that, not daring to hope anything else.
"Oh yeah, and what's that?" he asked, hoping he sounded nonchalant, though pretty sure he failed as he saw her smirk.