Walking briskly down the corridor, he headed for the photo studio where they were working today. It was a shoot for a Maxim's magazine, which wasn't quite where he'd imagined himself entering show business, aiming to be somewhere on a film set, even though he'd had no delusions of walking into a directors chair. However it was a foot in the door and he had to work with it, and besides, he ended up on sets like this for photo shoots of some of the worlds most beautiful and desirable women, even if he was just a runner on low pay and long hours. He wasn't late, just wanted to make sure he was punctual, it showed the right attitude to move up the chain, and it gave him a good amount of time to do anything he needed to prior to the shoot actually starting, which wouldn't be for around an hour or so. Getting into the actual studio, he was greeted by the normal good mornings of the few people that bothered to acknowledge him, photographers and their assistants, setting up lights and tripods and so on, rigging up the umbrellas to create a soft, bright light on their subject.
The subject in question today was the luscious Anushka Sharma, the young actress blossoming like a rose in both her beauty and career success. This certainly meant it was likely to be a good day, as despite doing running about making cups of tea or coffee and anything else that was asked of him in double quick time, he'd get to see Anushka Sharma in the midst of her photo shoot, probably with very little on. Her last shoot for FHM had seen her in bikini and he certainly hoped she'd top that today, though he had no idea of prospective outfits or the direction of the shoot. Either way it'd be great to see her, though he didn't expect he'd get a chance to meet her. Even if he was there in her presence at the time he found it unlikely she'd speak to him, even if she did seem down to earth and quite laid back for a young bollywood star, from what he'd seen at least.
After doing a couple of basic things he always did, checking with people whether this or that needed doing, he got given a round of orders for tea and coffee from all the various people currently setting up for the photo shoot, as per usual. Without a complaint he headed off and set to work making them all, making sure to get them right, as he really didn't fancy arguing without someone over the fact he'd put two sugars not one in their coffee. Making a tea for himself, he headed back out to the main area and worked his way round the set delivering the drinks, which everyone took, some with a thanks, others with nothing but the vaguest nod of acknowledgement to his presence. Finishing his round he paused to drink his own mug of tea, and since nothing had started there was nothing to actually do except casually talk to a couple of guys on set and watch the photographers set up their ridiculously expensive equipment.
Everyone seemed to be taken by surprise a few minutes later when the door opened and a lady with a rack of clothing breezed in, heading for Anushka's dressing room, and a few steps behind came her personal assistant and Anushka Sharma herself, dressed casually in a pair of skinny jeans that showed off her long legs and a simple black top, which snugly followed the curves of her gorgeous body, highlighting her slender waist and firm, perky breasts just perfectly. Wearing just simple flat shoes she stood at her five-foot-six height and made no additional noise as she walked as might have been expected. Everyone in the studio seemed to have stopped, a breath collectively caught in their throats as the gorgeous indian star walked in, her beauty almost mesmerising, with her long dark hair, sharma eyebrows, pale blue eyes and full, luscious lips, just captivating the eyes around the studio, even of the women. Engaged in a conversation with her PA, Anushka hadn't noticed, walking slowly towards her dressing room as she discussed something, until she paused at the silence and looked up, her eyes flitting quickly round the room.
"Um...hi," she said with a smile, finding it quite amusing the was the centre of such attention. It immediately spurred everyone back to work, acting as if they hadn't been staring at her. However it left him and a couple of other guys standing right in front of her, and they couldn't get straight back to work without seeming rude, and since they hadn't been doing much anyway there was nothing to do except say hello to her and try not to make fools of themselves.
"Morning," they all mumbled, practically in unison, immediately feeling stupid at it, though if Anushka thought so she didn't say anything.
"How's it going?" she asked casually, turning to shoo her personal assistant on, making it clear she'd catch up in a moment.
"Umm pretty good," he said, trying to sound casual, resisting the urge to add anything corny like "much better now you're here", even if it was the truth. The other guys mumbled their thoughts on the day, which were only positive.

"It's going good, I think this is gonna go well," she said, giving him a smile, but something in her eyes suggested more than manners at work.
"Excited about the shoot?" he continued, deciding that he had nothing to lose really by building on the promising start.
"Oh very much, I always am, I just get this...sensation when I do things like this, it feels just so liberating, almost natural..." she said, trailing into a husky whisper at the end, making him struggle to hide his surprise at such a candid insight to herself when they'd only just met.
"Well, at least you enjoy doing what you do, not all of us are so lucky," he said, giving a slight shrug of his shoulders to indicate his own lowly occupation, suddenly realising the two tech guys who'd been with him had melted away.
"Oh you'll get lucky soon enough, you'll work your way up there," she said with a slightly saucy edge, his heart stopping as he saw the slightly flick of her eyebrow, a spark in her eyes.
"Hope so," he stuttered, quickly forcing himself to regroup, "but for now I'm just doing anything I have to, making tea and coffee," he said, holding up his mug, then realising his error, feeling as if he'd been so rude to her. He didn't give her a chance to speak, to follow up her understanding mm-hmm, jumping in quickly.
"By the way, do you want anything to drink, tea, coffee, anything?" he said, quickly but politely, she glanced down at the mug, then back up at him, raising her eyebrows a little as she broke into a sweet grin.
"Inviting me for coffee are you?" she purred, just looking him in the eye with her own gorgeous ones.
"Well, if you fancy something hot," he replied without thinking, immediately feeling his chest clench in terror that he'd pushed it too far, but her dirty, genuine laugh told him otherwise straight away as she saw the humour in his quip.
"Well I would but I really best go get ready, get my clothes on...or off, I'm not sure which exactly," she giggled, looking up and catching his eye again.
"Ok then well, you'd best go find out I guess, it was nice to meet you," he said, extending a hand.
"You too, have fun running," she teased, reaching out to just lightly shake his hand, more a courtesy grasp, but it was like a thunderbolt as her soft, warm fingers just closed round his for a fleeting moment, his heart rate increasing, breathing catching in his throat.
"Have fun posing," he said as her hand slid from his and she turned to leave, making her give a cheeky grin and glance back to him as she walked away towards her dressing room, giving him a perfect chance to check out her gorgeous ass as she did, firm and inviting in her tight jeans. As she rounded the corner into her dressing room the moment was broken and he snapped back to reality, feeling like an electric charge dissipated from the air, leaving it clear, fresh and cool, like the aftermath of a heavy thunderstorm that left the atmosphere washed clean. Glancing round, he saw a couple of people looking at him, who held their nerve enough to give him questioning faces before they went back to what they were doing, leaving him to look down at his neglected mug of tea, swiftly raising his shaking mug to take a gulp of the sweet beverage, hoping it might help calm his jangling nerves and racing heart. Quickly finishing his tea and feeling very self conscious, not quite knowing what to do with himself, he went round and collected up the empty mugs from people, deciding that a couple of minutes alone washing them up might be a good idea to give him a chance to catch his breath.